Easy Sourdough Starter Recipe With Wholewheat Flour for a Beginner - (2024)

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A Sourdough Starter is a leaven, or raising agent, made from fermenting flour and water over a period of time.

It makes use of naturally occurring wild yeast in your environment to facilitate the fermentation and production of a living working bubbly Sourdough Starter.

Discovering sourdough recipes is perhaps one of the most significant discoveries I have ever made.

Not only have I been enjoying working with sourdough, but I also find sourdough recipes healthier than their counterpart recipes with store-bought yeast or that take a shorter fermentation period.

Sourdough recipes are easier to digest also because the long fermentation process works on the nutrients in the recipe, breaking them down further in a way that your body can digest them more easily.

I also find them tastier with a rich sour flavor that complements most of the accompaniments that go with the recipes.

For instance, adding a layer of avocado on sourdough sandwich bread just takes it to a whole new level when it comes to taste.

A vegetable sandwich with sourdough bread is my preferred breakfast.

Other delights such as doughnuts and mahamri have won first place in my household compared to those I’ve made with storebought yeast.

All this to say that this is why you need to arm yourself with a recipe for making a bubbly sourdough starter with ingredients that are available where you are.

Your sourdough starter, (and for other recipes, the discards coming from the sourdough starter) is the basic ingredients to the sourdough recipes you will make.

If for some reason your sourdough starter gets ruined, you will not struggle to make a new one when you arm yourself with knowledge and a recipe for making a fresh new sourdough starter.

I have been experimenting with several recipes using my sourdough starter and the discards.

I am loving the result with most of the recipes. I hope to share these recipes as soon as I’m certain each recipe has been well-tested and is hence shareable.

Having to make a sourdough starter over and over again and sustaining it for a number of days gave me the freedom and opportunity to experiment with several recipes.

The blessing of experimenting came with an interesting turn of events where I have been without a working fridge for months now.

This means I have had to make a fresh sourdough starter several times.

I have gained invaluable experience in making a sourdough starter to the extent I feel ready to share my journey of making a Sourdough Starter.

When God does enable me to acquire a fridge so as to keep my sourdough for a long time, I’m grateful for the experience this season has afforded me to perfect my sourdough starter-making journey as well as being able to document the process.

I am even experimenting with preserving my sourdough starter without a fridge. If that works, I’ll share that here.

As you might know, I love to make recipes without an oven.

I’d love to see more and more households getting to make healthy sourdough recipes even when they do not yet have an oven.

As you would therefore imagine, the recipes I’m working with are hence majorly no-oven recipes or those that don’t need an oven to make.

I’m certain that you will enjoy the process as you get into the sourdough-making journey.

Except for my measuring cups, I have not been one to work with a measuring scale.

The process of making a sourdough starter can be very rewarding as well as forgiving.

If your flour and water are good and fresh, the likelihood of your sourdough starter-making process failing is very low.

You will only need to arm yourself with lots of patience until your sourdough starter finally forms.

Keep in mind too that if the environment in your kitchen is cold, the starter may take longer to ferment to form a working sourdough starter.

The normal room temperature on warmer sunny days of the year also means a faster process in the formation of your sourdough starter.

For instance, the sourdough Starter I’m sharing took a day longer than it usually does to get to a bubbly starter.

We were just getting into the colder months in the part of the world I hail from. The cold environment slowed it down.

You will notice too if you watch the video that I decided to feed it two more days just to have an even bubblier sourdough starter even though I knew it would still work after the first 7 days I’d given it.

Keep in mind also that as your sourdough starter ages, the better it becomes.

This is why a fridge is a wonderful investment in helping you extend the life of your starter by refrigerating it and feeding it at least once a week.

This is also why I am presently experimenting with how to keep my sourdough longer without a fridge.

I sure hope you will enjoy the process as I show you how to make your own sourdough starter.

Let’s now get into the process.

Easy Sourdough Starter Recipe With Wholewheat Flour for a Beginner - (1)

Easy Sourdough Starter Recipe With Wholewheat Flour for a Beginner - (2)Clara Karushi

Make your active bubbly Sourdough Starter at home from scratch with just water and wholewheat flour. If you are a beginner, worry not. I'm showing you how-to in these easy-to-follow instructions below. Included is a video guide of how I made this Sourdough Starter.

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Prep Time 5 minutes mins

Fermenting time 7 days d

Total Time 7 days d


  • 1 Glass or Plastic Bowl or Jar With a Lid (This should be able to hold your starter sufficiently as it expands so as not to flow over the jar or bowl if possible)

  • 1 Small Whisk or Wooden Spoon (A normal spoon will still do in the absence of a wooden spoon)

  • 1 Clean Kitchen Towel


  • Clean Room-temperature (or lukewarm) Water
  • Wholewheat (Atta) Flour


  • In a suitable glass jar or plastic bowl that has a lid, add equal proportions of flour and water, that is half a cup of water and half a cup of flour. We’re looking for 100% hydration.

    *I use clean unchlorinated rainwater. In case yours is chlorinated, ensure to boil it, cool it then use it for your sourdough starter recipe. Boil plenty of it and cool it so you’ll have enough water for the multiple times you’ll need to feed your starter.

  • Mix the flour and water with your wooden spoon or whisk until well-mixed.

  • Cover loosely with the lid and transfer the bowl or jar to a place in your kitchen or pantry where the mixture will not be disturbed.

    The reason we’re covering it loosely is to allow for the oxygen needed by the fermentation process to be accessible to the mixture as well as allow space for any gases emitted to escape.

  • Let the mixture remain undisturbed for 48 hours, that is 2days.

  • After 2 days, uncover the mixture, and evenly stir it.

    Add half a cup of flour and half a cup of water.

    Evenly stir the mixture with your wooden spoon or whisk.

  • Cover loosely with the lid. From this point onward, I like to loosely cover the entire bowl, lid and all, with a clean kitchen towel.

    Fruit flies are unwelcome guests that love sourdough starters.You’ll see them begin to hang around your starter.

    The longer it ferments, the more they’ll want to get into your starter.

    I have found that covering your fermenting mixture of flour and water with a clean kitchen towel an effective way of keeping fruitflies at bay.

    Easy Sourdough Starter Recipe With Wholewheat Flour for a Beginner - (3)

  • Place it again in your usual spot.

    We will allow it to ferment for 12 hours.

  • After 12 hours, evenly stir the fermenting mixture, discard half of the sourdough starter.

    *By discarding, I don’t mean throwing the discarded Sourdough Starter away. I like to collect my Sourdough Starter discards in a separate jar or appropriate container. (up to 3 to 4 discards) I will then use the discard in a recipe such as pancake, pizza crust, etc.

    Easy Sourdough Starter Recipe With Wholewheat Flour for a Beginner - (4)

  • From now on, you will follow this pattern with your developing Sourdough Starter.

    Every 12 hours, evenly stir the mixture, discard half of it, then feed the remaining one with half a cup of flour and half a cup of water, stirring it evenly, covering it loosely with a lid, then a clean kitchen towel.

  • Keep to this procedure until you begin to see it turn into a bubbly Sourdough Starter.

  • Usually, my fermenting mixture begins to form little bubbles on the 5th day.

    If it’s not very cold in my kitchen, it becomes bubbly on the 6th day. This means it now has the leavening agent or wild yeast needed to leaven my recipes.

    Sometimes also, when I use a different type of flour, it could go up to the 7th day.

    When the kitchen is generally cold, my Sourdough Starter will usually form a day later than usual.

    This particular one I’m demonstrating with went up to the 7thday. I could tell it was because my kitchen was getting colder than normal even with my preferred wholewheat flour. I use Butterfly's Stone Ground Atta in Kenya)

    Easy Sourdough Starter Recipe With Wholewheat Flour for a Beginner - (5)

  • The longer you feed your new Sourdough Starter, the bubblier it gets.

    I continued feeding my Sourdough Starter on days 8 and 9, every 12 hours too. It got thicker and more bubbly than ever.

    Easy Sourdough Starter Recipe With Wholewheat Flour for a Beginner - (6)

  • In case your fermenting flour and water mixture hasnt formed a Sourdough Starter by day 10, (evidence being formation of some bubbles in the mixture) try and change the flour and start all over again.

    Formation of a Sourdough Starter shouldn’t be a complicated process. It may take much longer for instance if you are using all-purpose flour.

    From my experience though, especailly with wholewheat flour, it should have formed a Sourdough starter any time from Day 6 to Day 9.

  • Once your Sourdough Starter has formed, keep feeding it every 12 hours then work with it in your recipes. If not, keep it in the refrigerator and feed it weekly.

    Keep in mind also that when you need to use your refrigerated Sourdough Starter, ensure to get it out of the fridge and to feed it at least 8 to 12 hours before using it.

  • A sourdough starter that is well taken care of will keep going for years.

    I trust you will enjoy your sourdough starter journey, as you enhance your hospitality for the glory of God.


Keyword biblical hospitality, caring for new sourdough starter, formations of a noble woman recipes, homemade sourdough starter, hospitality with clara,, how to make sourdough starter for the first time, how to make sourdough starter from scratch at home, how to make sourdough starter with whole wheat flour, kenyan makes sourdough starter, natural leaven, natural raising agent, recipes and hospitality with clara, sourdough starter, sourdough starter recipe

Easy Sourdough Starter Recipe With Wholewheat Flour for a Beginner - (2024)


Can I use only whole wheat flour for sourdough starter? ›

But all purpose, bread flour, whole wheat flour or rye flour are all suitable for feeding a regular sourdough starter successfully. Many people like to feed their sourdough starter a cheaper flour, particularly when in the establishment phase and going through quite a bit of it.

What flour is best for beginner sourdough? ›

Over the past decade-plus of baking, I've tested all manner of flour from whole grain wheat to spelt to einkorn, and while they all do work, my preferred flour to use when creating a sourdough starter is whole grain rye flour and white flour (this can be all-purpose or high-protein bread flour).

What is the secret to a good sourdough starter? ›

Tips and Tricks To Making A Sourdough Starter
  • Consistent feedings of the starter at the same time every day will ensure proper starter growth.
  • Temperature control the environment and the water for feeding. ...
  • Be persistent! ...
  • A good starter should smell sweet with a slightly sour/yeasty scent.
Apr 1, 2020

What is sourdough starter for dummies? ›

A sourdough starter is really just another name for any fermented grain. It's a grain that starts to predigest during the fermentation process, which ultimately makes the flavor more sour. Here are just a few great reasons to make your very own sourdough: Sourdough is delicious.

Can you use 100% whole wheat flour for sourdough? ›

Whole grains typically ferment faster, absorb more water and create a loaf with less volume than a standard sourdough loaf. You will often find whole wheat sourdough recipes online calling for 20-30% whole wheat but this is a true 100% whole wheat recipe.

Can I use whole wheat flour for starter dough? ›

If you're like me and have neglected your starter for a little too long — perhaps you've been out of town or simply forgot it in the back of the fridge — you can use a little whole grain flour (such as pumpernickel or whole wheat flour) to feed your starter and give it a boost.

What flour do Italians use for sourdough? ›

Grano tenero flours are generally used in Italy to make both bread and pastries.

How often should I feed sourdough starter? ›

Leaving it out on the counter, it will need to be fed equal parts water and flour every 12-24 hours. Warmer homes or frequent baking will require more frequent feeding (around every 12 hours), while colder homes every 24 hours. Storing your sourdough starter in the fridge will require feeding around once a week.

When to do the float test for sourdough starter? ›

Peak activity: A starter is at its peak around 4 to 6 hours (sometimes even around 12 hours) after feeding, making this the best time to implement the float test.

What makes sourdough starter fail? ›

Most commonly, the issue here has to do with temperature (which is very important). If your sourdough starter is kept at a low temp, even 70°F (21°C), it will slow fermentation activity and appear to be sluggish, taking longer to rise and progress through the typical signs of fermentation. The solution: keep it warm.

Do you have to discard sourdough starter every time you feed it? ›

Do I have to discard my sourdough starter? It would be best if you discarded some portion of your starter each time you feed it unless you want to continue to let it grow. Eventually, you need to discard the used “food” (flour and water) that's been used to sustain your starter during the last fermentation period.

How do I make my starter stronger? ›

Changing the feeding interval, or frequency, is the single most important tool in strengthening a starter. By simply catching your starter near its peak and refeeding at that time, you can significantly strengthen a weak starter.

Why start sourdough starter with whole wheat flour? ›

Since it is minimally processed when you compare it with white wheat flours, whole wheat flour is said to be packed with nutrients and potential microbes, providing faster fermentation for a starter.

How many days until sourdough starter is ready? ›

The general rule of thumb is that it takes about 10-14 days to develop a starter strong enough to rise a loaf. Experienced sourdough aficionados may be able to bake with a new starter in as few as five days. And, for less experienced bakers who struggle with the process, it may take up to 30 days.

Is it better to make sourdough starter with milk or water? ›

No, milk should not be added to a sourdough starter. Sourdough starter needs only flour and water to colonise wild yeast.

Can I make white sourdough with a whole wheat starter? ›

Some people start with whole wheat starters (or WW rye) to make "white" wheat breads - e.g. my usual white bread would need 150g of starter, so I could build that with 30g WW starter plus 60g white flour and 60g water, let that "ripen" for a few hours, then add that to 500g of flour (plus wate & salt) - the overall ...

Does whole wheat flour need more water sourdough? ›

This recipe is highly hydrated because there's a high percentage of whole grains, which require more water in the mix (the bran and germ present in the flour can take on quite a bit more).

What happens if I use all purpose flour instead of bread flour in sourdough? ›

Substituting all purpose flour in a sourdough recipe that specifically calls for bread flour is not always an even swap. You'll need to REDUCE the total amount of water first. All purpose flour absorbs less water than bread flour, which can make the dough too sticky to work with otherwise.

Can you use stone ground whole wheat flour for sourdough starter? ›

In order to replenish the supply of these microorganisms, a small amount of mature sourdough is added to a new mixture of stone ground organic whole wheat flour and water. Stirring the sourdough brings air to the yeasts that need it.

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Name: Saturnina Altenwerth DVM

Birthday: 1992-08-21

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Introduction: My name is Saturnina Altenwerth DVM, I am a witty, perfect, combative, beautiful, determined, fancy, determined person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.